miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Cell Structure and Funtion


 Region of the cytoplasm that is not enclosed in a menbraneous sac

Lipid bilayer

 Is a continuous, oily boundary that prevent the free passage of water-soluble substances.


 Is the distance from the peak of one wave to the peak behind.

Electron microscope

 Use magnetic lense to bend and diffract beams of electron.

Transmittion electron microscope

Pass throught an specimen  and is use to make images of internal details.

Scanning electron microscope

A beam of electron back and forth across a surface of the specimen, which has been given a thin metal coating.


Start out life with a nucleus and other menbrane.

Secretory Pathway

Polypeptide chains from some ribosomes, through ER , and Golgi bodies and out of the cell.

Endocytic pathway

Move  ions and molecules into cytoplasm.


Tiny sacs.

Nuclear envelope

Is a double menbrane in which two lipids bilayers are pressed against each other.


Is a non-membrane bound structure composed of proteins and nucleic acids found within the nucleus.


Cell collection and all proteins associated with it. 


Are organellesfound in virtually all eukaryotic cells. They are involved in the catabolism ofvery long chain fatty acids, branche chain fatty acids D-amino acids polyamines, and biosynthesis of plasmalogens.

Cell Junctions

Are mollecular structure whre cell send and receives signals or materials or recognizes and glues itself to alls.

Basal Body

Is an organelleformed from a centriole, and a short cylindrical array of microtubules


False feet.

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